Good News November 24, 2015
- Good News Announcements
M.I.C. Conference Organizers Honored
Congratulations to AVID students in two Federal Way High School student groups, the Black Student Union and Fuerte Club, and to Thomas Jefferson High School’s Latino Student Union group, who teamed up to coordinate and facilitate the Motivate, Inspire, Change event – otherwise known as the M.I.C. conference, now in its second year.
Created by students to encourage their families to learn more about supporting their students’ academic journey and learn ways to become more involved, this year’s M.I.C.conference, held on Saturday, November 14, drew over 230 participants.
Student organizers for this event are Kyler Pena and Victor Sanchez from TJ, and Salma Silva-Licon, Cindy Roman, Amir Goins and Esmarelda Lopez from FWHS.
Board VP Among WSSDA Leadership Class Graduates
FWPS Board of Directors Vice-President Claire Wilson, is a graduating member of the Washington State School Directors’ Association 2015 Leadership Class.
This premier program is for school directors seeking to improve their expertise and leadership capacity within the educational system. Designed to develop proactive, visionary leaders, the program offers directors from across the state an opportunity to work closely together, sharing ideas and experiences throughout the year-long course. Director Wilson, on behalf of the School Board and Superintendent Campell, we applaud your learner stance and your commitment to professional development.
WE Scare Hunger Organizers Recognized
Thomas Jefferson High School seniors Ruhama Berta and Jaime Yuk headed up the fourth annual WE Scare Hunger canned food drive.
Together, they organized approximately 200 of their fellow students from across the district to collect 2,300 pounds of canned foods for the Federal Way Food Bank – on the rainiest Halloween in recent memory.
Ruhama and Jaime both participated in WE Act overseas work, going to Ghana and Ecuador respectively. As they told their advisor, Coley Veitenhans, this was their way of giving back locally.
Federal Way Lions Club Leads Dictionary Donation Efforts
The Federal Way Lions Club recently donated dictionaries to Lakeland and Lake Dolloff elementary students.
The Lions Club has worked together with the Rotary to put dictionaries in the hands of our third and fourth-grade students for approximately 10 years – including bilingual dictionaries for our Sunnycrest dual-language program participants.
As the program has grown, “Lion Nancy” Rathe has reached out and brought multiple other Federal Way service organizations on board, ultimately creating a much more sustainable benefit to our kids. A big thanks to Nancy, and to all of our community service organizations.
Olympic View Math Bonanza Attracts Over 100 Students
Olympic View Elementary hosted a Math Bonanza competition, attracting about 100 students, grades 3-5, from eight elementary schools.
High school math teacher James Brown and community volunteer Tom Clymer teamed up to organize the event. Mr. Brown notes this is a great activity that allows kids to flex their math muscles.
Sherwood Forest, Olympic View, Nautilus, Valhalla, Adelaide, Meredith Hill, Panther Lake, and Woodmont participated, some with more than one team
FWPA Carnival Raises Funds for Kenya School
Federal Way Public Academy requires all students complete 10-30 hours of community service each year.
For nearly 10 years, the students, staff and families of Federal Way Public Academy have donated a portion of the proceeds from their Annual Community Service Carnival to a very special school in Kenya that serves orphans with HIV/AIDS. The FWPA donations have supported the building of a new water well, a new dormitory wing, and purchased school supplies, uniforms and more.
This year’s carnival was held on November 19. The event was organized by students in the school’s community service club, led by advisor Dawn Dale.